Saturday, March 13, 2010


I. Babylyn

Her birthday was on the 10th day of March. I had been planning for her birthday for a long time but I can’t decide on what to do. There come a time that I forgot about it. I was busy these past few days and I just remembered it again two days before her birthday. However, she still had fun on her birthday and she became very happy to what I did.

II. Lara

I don’t have anything or something to give to Lara on her birthday. I really find it difficult to decide on what gift I can give to her. I don’t know what happened to me because before, I can always think of something to give to my friends in any occasion. Despite on what happened, we had fun on her birthday. We ate outside with our friends. It was eat all you can so all of us were happy. Maybe, my gift to her was my happy birthday greeting. I am proud to say that I was the very first person to greet her on her birthday. That was my plan and I think it’s God’s plan. I was really happy to know that. Thanks!

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